Macael Awards 2022: a historic gala presided over by King Felipe and Queen Letizia

Their Majesties the King and Queen of Spain presented all the awards to the winners of this XXXV edition, held on Friday, November 11 in Macael.

The event, which brought together almost 650 guests, was also attended by the President of the Regional Government of Andalusia, Juanma Moreno, the Minister of Industry, Trade and Tourism, Reyes Maroto, and the Delegate of the National Government in Andalusia, Pedro Fernández.

Their Majesties the King and Queen of Spain presented all the awards to the winners of this XXXV edition, held on Friday, November 11 in Macael.

“All of us present here are filled with a feeling of deep satisfaction and joy at the fact that, for the first time in our already long and extensive history, it is Their Majesties the King and Queen of Spain who will preside over the award ceremony for this year’s ten winners”. This is how Jesús Posadas, president of the Association of Marble Entrepreneurs of Andalusia – AEMA, began his speech that opened the gala of this 35th edition of the event

, held on Friday, November 11 in Macael. Their Majesties the King and Queen of Spain presented all the awards to the winners in an event that is already historic and which also brought together personalities such as the President of the Regional Government of Andalusia, Juanma Moreno, the Minister of Industry, Trade and Tourism, Reyes Maroto, and the Delegate of the National Government in Andalusia, Pedro Fernández.

With an attendance of almost 650 guests, the annual marble awards, considered the most important event for the promotion of natural stone in Spain, was also the first sustainable gala. Macael marble is synonymous with guaranteed quality and durability over time, including maximum respect for the environment. Companies in the industry are doing an impeccable job of making a continuous transition to full use of renewable energies, using water in a respectful way, renewing and recycling it, and managing waste more efficiently. We are making this commitment “clear here tonight with a CO2 neutral gala and with a specific award for sustainability,” said Posadas.

premios macael 02 - Macael Awards 2022: a historic gala presided over by King Felipe and Queen Letizia

Once again, the event has been characterized by the presence of award winners whose great talent has been placed in the hands of the companies of the sector, to demonstrate that, as a result of the confidence in them, emblematic buildings have been carried out all over the world with the seal of the Macael Brand and its know-how. But “to continue to be competitive in this globalized world, we still need the collaboration of public administrations,” urged the president of AEMA. “Our sector, with its millenary roots and presence throughout history in the construction of buildings

The Alhambra in Granada or the Royal Palace itself, should be considered strategic to remain the international benchmark for the transformation of natural stone and continue to lead the sector in Andalusia and Spain,” he continued. The president has requested compliance with the deadlines for the connection of the Marble Dual Carriageway from Caniles to Fines, for the High Speed Train and has expressed his commitment to the Chamber of Commerce of Almeria and Asempal to continue supporting their claims for the Mediterranean Corridor.

Similarly, Posadas has highlighted the need to put “all the means with the future Technical Collaborating Office so that the Global Plan for the Restoration and Management of the mining by-products of the Sierra de Macael, is a reality according to the Law and the financial capacity of our companies”.

“We must be equally competitive with digitization, productivity, energy efficiency, reindustrialization in machinery and facilities, innovation in processes and products, dual training for our young people in our companies, each and every one of these pending tasks are included in the Plan Crece Industria de la piedra natural en Andalucía, which, already approved by the Andalusian Government Council, must be provided with the necessary means to continue betting on the future of our entities,” he stressed. And, of course, it has had an impact on other pillars of this industry: marketing and internationalization. “The new Business Agency for Economic Transformation and Development (TRADE), must be the great support for our internationalized SMEs, including incentives and financial instruments that support the

implementation and international marketing”. In order to protect the future of the stone, the stability of the companies and the maintenance and promotion of jobs, Posadas recalled that “after a health crisis that derives in another economic-financial crisis, a transport strike that collapsed our production system and an exorbitant and unaffordable increase in production costs” the sector will continue to request collaboration with each and every one of the different administrations. However, the occasion deserved to go further and give value to the “work we are doing”. “We believe in the Macael Brand. We believe in our people, in our managers and workers, in their great know-how, their knowledge and commitment; a factor that the competition does not have”, he said.

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And, as it could not be otherwise, the president of the businessmen has put voice to those present thanking the attendance of Their Majesties the King and Queen, a fact that will contribute to the dissemination of the values “with which the Macael Brand can continue to cross borders”. Posadas also thanked those who make the celebration of this gala possible: the sponsors, who, with their invaluable help, promote this sector edition after edition. This year’s gala had the collaboration of the following companies COSENTINO, CORAZÓN ANDALUZ, DIPUTACIÓN DE ALMERÍA, TENAX, SACMI, SMALGLASS-ITACA, BBVA, BRETON, BANCO SANTANDER, SMALTICERAM, UNICAJA BANCO, OMAR, CAJAMAR, COLOROBBIA, CAIXABANK, GMM, BANCA MARCH, ITALDIAMANT, BANKINTER, COMANDULLI, VINCENT, CAJASUR, SUIMASA, TBM, NICOLAI NEST, FOCUSPIEDRA, PUERTO DE ALMERÍA Y CARBONERAS, OLUCARPA, UNIVERSIDAD DE ALMERÍA CENTRO DE REFERENCIA NACIONAL DE LA PIEDRA NATURAL, SECURITAS AND FUNDACIÓN BAHÍA ALMERIPORT.

As usual, the event was attended by agents participating in the XI International Stone Meeting, held by TRADE, through Extenda in collaboration with the Association of Marble Entrepreneurs of Andalusia, from strategic markets for the sector such as Qatar, Azerbaijan, Czech Republic, France and the United Kingdom. The activity agenda was divided between Malaga, Granada and Macael (Almeria), where the agents were able to visit unique marble projects, as well as the iconic Alhambra in Granada and the quarries and factories of the Marble Region.